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Official Documents of the Shorinji Budo Kempo Federation

Declaration on the status of the Shotokan Karate-do division within the Federation of Shorinji Budo Kempo (Seibukai)

dated August 24, 2022.


     Сообщаем, что 15 августа 1999 года была учреждена «Федерация Сёриндзи Будо Кэмпо» с целью развивать боевые искусства в духе традиций легендарного Shaolin Monastery (in Japanese Shorinji), located in China. The task of this organization was to unite all types of martial arts (Jap. Budo), practicing hand-to-hand combat methods (Jap. Kempo, Chinese Quanfa) and close in essence and historical roots to the tradition of martial arts of the Shaolin Monastery (Chinese Shaolins Quanfa 少林寺拳法, Japanese Shorinji Kempo). The most important goal was not only to study and research the methods of martial practice, but also to study and preserve the cultural and spiritual traditions of the Shaolin Monastery.

     During the 1500 years of Shaolin’s existence (built in 495), many martial formations were formed and developed in it. Currently (according to research) there are about 400 schools and directions in the world, leading their origin from the legendary Shaolin Monastery. For example, in Japan, a significant part of the martial arts is of Chinese origin, also going back to the Shaolin tradition. Japan borrowed from China not only writing, but also a huge share of the entire cultural heritage, giving it its own Japanese flavor. This applies to martial arts, and to the religious and philosophical tradition of Chan (Jap. Zen) of Buddhism, which originated within the walls of the Shaolin Monastery. The practice of Chan (Zen) became the spiritual basis of the professional warrior class (samurai) of medieval Japan, many of whom often became martial arts instructors.

     Now, as it was before, many Japanese martial arts mentors of their some of which originate from the tradition of the legendary Shaolin Monastery. This fully applies to Japanese Karate, which originated on the island of Okinawa, where an important place is occupied by the schools of Shorin-ryu (in Japanese 少林流) Karate and the direction of Shorinji-ryu (from Japanese 少林寺流  means "Shaolin style"), indicating their connection with the Shaolin Monastery. From these Okinawan schools of Karate (Kempo Karate), the Japanese schools of Shorinji-ryu Kenkokan Karate, Joshinmon Shorin-ryu Karate and many others later appeared. This is where the famous style of Shotokan Karate originates.

     Funakoshi Gichin, the founder of Shotokan Karate at the age of 15 came to one of the most famous masters of Adyorinzaryuto So Funakoshi began to study the style of Karate Shorin-ryu (“Shaolin style”), popular at that time on the island of Okinawa, including under the guidance of master Anko Itosu (a student of Matsumura Sokon, the founder of the Shorin-ryu style).

     Taking into account the above, the Federation of Shorinji Budo Kempo (Seibukai) decided to include as a separate division in the organization (Seibukai) Shotokan Karate-do represented by the master-mentor Aleksey Alekseevich Gritsenko, holder of the 5th Dan Shotokan Karate-do (certificate No. RUS.1135 dated April 27, 2019 issued by the World Shotokan Federation, the World Shotokan Federation).


Президент Федерации Сёриндзи Будо Кэмпо, Сихан 8 Дан        _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   Gribakin I.M.

Мастер-наставник Сётокан Каратэ-до, 5 Дан         _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_                     _cc781905-5cde-3194 Gritsenko A.A.

Shotokan Seibukai _Declaration -3а-1у-3р.png

Seibukai Headquarters Official Documents

1. Application for membership: Application.doc

2. Attestation report: KyuReport.doc

3. The program of exams for Seibukai Kenpo for 10 Kyu - 3 Dan (edition of 20.08.2009):

NEW_EXAMINATION_ (10_Kyu-3_Dan) _SBKF_20.08.2009.doc

We also attach the Examination Instructions (as amended on February 10, 2010):


4. Regulations on the ranks and titles of Seibukai from 12.06.2012.


5. List of Seibukai Masters (according to the Seibukai Honbu register as of December 15, 2009)


6. Declaration on the hierarchy of the Shorinji Budo Kenpo (Seibukai) Federation dated August 21, 2012. The content of this document was approved after public comment within the Seibukai organization. See the text of the Declaration here Seibukai_Declaration_of_hierarchy_

The declaration was signed by the plenipotentiary members of the Shorinji Federation Technical Committee Budo Kempo (Seibukai) and consultants with an advisory vote holding a master's qualification or a candidate master's degree. In total, 49 people took part in the signing, including many old authorities of the Shorinji Budo Kempo Federation.


7. Seibukai Kenpo Competition Rules ( as amended on 09/01/2010)


8. The Seibukai textbook can be ordered in Russian or English (high quality printing, A4 format). You can also buy books: "The history of the Shaolin monastery", "Zen and martial arts" (author Gribakin IM, A4 format, illustrated). Several new books are being prepared for publication: about Bodhidharma (the founder of Chan), "Takuan Soho" (from the series "Zen masters") and others.

9. Educational film (DVD disc) Seibukai includes demonstration of 10 Kata (with transcript of techniques) according to the program 9 Kyu - 1 Dan. Release date: August 2009 Excerpts from the film can be viewed at the link:

pages of the voluminous illustrated edition "Seibukai. Martial art of Shaolin monastery"

(author Gribakin I.M., edition 2017)

my book for the site_MAG001.png

© 2009 by The Shorinji Budo Kempo Federation (Seibukai).  Proudly made

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